
astound -o-

it turns out the answer sheets just corrected today (gossip like that anyway)
i can pray only
wish me luck!
bismillah, silvia savitri setiawan pass to OSN KEBUMIAN 2011 at Manado,aaamiiin :)

Silvia Savitri Setiawan


new handphone!!! ^O^

when my daddy went home after work
he brought something
and this was 2 new handphones!
BlackBerry Torch 9800 All! ^^
yes, finally my Mom and I got it
new handphone. XD
(over expression)
thankieesss so much daddy,mmmuuuaaach :*

Silvia Savitri Setiawan

special invitation (?) ^*^

helloo :D
 i want to tell you good news (?) ^^

i get invitation from Suara Giri FM Radio
this is region radio at Gresik,East Java
the invitation to my headmaster,my vice headmaster of achievement, a achievement student.
a achievement student is me ^^
i am very pleased and proud
but i confuse too, why me?
finally, time in invitation Friday,June 24th 2011 at 4.45 WIB.
ooh too early for me.
so i have to wake up very early ^^

Silvia Savitri Setiawan


awesome holiday ^^

hey Indonesian students are on holiday! How about your holiday? i hope you have holiday or your vacation very happy like me ^.^
yeea, I was on vacation this holiday to Batu and Malang city yesterday weekend..
I walked to Town Square of Batu city (you can called Alun-Alun Batu).
wow, this place is very charming! Many big lampion decorate and there is mad big bianglala.
 i took picture with Alfi, daughter of My mom's best friend ^^

And We have lunch at Warung Bamboe. Many big fishes here and very agressive when fed! :D
many many many big fishes!

 i fed the fishes ^^

 i fed the fishes with my mom together :D

Calvin, my brother fed that fishes :D

 action on the small bridge ^,^

beautiful, right?

 crazy with my daddy together, hehehe LOL :D

So, this is awesome holiday! ^^

Silvia Savitri Setiawan


after all this time (?)

After all this time I was studying in 11 science 8
class that contains my friends who smart, creative, and most importantly they are very understanding of me
Tomorrow is the last day feel like a 11th grade student science 8
yeah, tomorrow receive a report, second semester!

yeah, i wish my report is good :)
wish me luck!

Silvia Savitri Setiawan


online perpusda

hellooooo bloggers who read this!! ^O^
how are you now?

hmm, kali ini aku posting dengan numpang wifi perpustakaan daerah gresik
(you can called perpusda)
akhirnya nih perpus maju juga perkembangannya
udah setahun inilah perpusda jadi berkembang pesat
bangunan berlantai 3
ada wifi
tempatnya luas
ada ac *walopun dikit, ngurangi global warming prend!*
(mentang2 tadi habis ukk pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup susulan sil!)

hmm, curhat aaah
akhir-akhir ini
aku galau
galau mikirin gimana ya nilai osp-ku
bisa lolos ke osn nggak ya? *bisa aamiiin*

takut ngecewain ortu deh
hmm, astaghfrullah

mau tahu kenapa aku galau?
soalnya dari 60 soal pilihan ganda yg ada
aku hanya jawab 51 soal
lha ada sistem pengurangan nilai kalo salah
jadi ga berani jawab deh yg ga yakin -.-

sedih ga sih?

sudahlah, nasehat dari mbak lathifah (pembina kebumianku dari jogja), "sekarang tinggal doa, karena itu kekuatan yang besar"

ya aku yakin itu

bismillah, silvia lolos ke osn, aamiin :)

silvia savitri setiawan


dag dig dug

fyuh, osp yang udah ditunggu-tunggu (?)
udah terlaksana tadi pagi
mulai jam delapan sampai jam stengah 11.
rasanya pingin nangis
tapi ga bisa nangis, berasa air mata ini udah kering

aku takut ngecewain orang tuaku Ya Allah swt.

Ya Tuhan, ridhoi dan izinkanlah silvia untuk lolos ke OSN. aamiin :)



2 days later is provincial olympiad of earth science
tomorrow go to the hotel

God, make silvia easy to do the exams. aaamiiin :)
Tuhan, mudahkanlah silvia mengerjakan soal-soal osp kebumian-nya.
aaamiiin :)